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Monday, February 13
10:00am - 10:45am
KEYNOTE - Making Caring Common
KEYNOTE - Making Caring Common
Monday, February 13
10:00am - 10:45am
KEYNOTE - Making Caring Common
Many of today’s parents are intensely focused on kids' happiness and their achievements. But the preoccupation with these two factors—and the constant praising of kids that goes with it—can undermine their capacity to empathize with and care for others. In fact, concentrating so much on happiness risks making kids not only less caring, but ironically, less happy. And in the current socio-economic climate, where tolerance and empathy seem to be in short supply, it’s more important than ever to help kids develop these socio-emotional skills.
In what's sure to be an eye-opening talk, Harvard Graduate School of Education's Dr. Richard Weissbourd will share results from research looking at how kids TV producers can help children—and their parents—learn to care for others, including those different from them in background and character. What kinds of messages are important for counteracting the nastiness, scapegoating and incivility that seems to be pervading our culture? Dr. Weissbourd will answer these questions and provide concrete strategies for promoting empathy, caring and well-being in this and future generations of kids.
Richard Weissbourd
Director, Human Development and Psychology Program
Harvard Graduate School of Education