Have you got a kids entertainment property with tons of consumer products potential just waiting to be discovered? The Kidscreen Licensing Challenge is a brand-new competition showcase designed to help you do exactly that. We’re accepting submissions until Friday, November 1.

This program is open to kids entertainment properties (up to age 15) that have not yet done any licensed consumer products business. Applicants must also be planning to attend Kidscreen Summit 2025 (February 9-12, San Diego).

From the pool of entries, five finalists will be selected by a jury of esteemed consumer products professionals with extensive kids brand experience to present their properties live at the Summit. They’ll be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Uniqueness and overall appeal, including innovation and character development
  • The look, story and themes of the IP
  • Distribution and broadcast plans
  • Potential for licensing and franchise development
  • Suitability for the target audience
  • Merchandising potential

The grand prize winner will receive a full-page ad in Kidscreen’s Q2 2025 magazine issue (with bonus distribution at Licensing Expo, Annecy and Children’s Media Conference), and a breakfast meeting to get invaluable strategic and brand-building advice from the jury panel the day after the Licensing Challenge at Kidscreen Summit. The runner-up will get a half-hour Zoom call with one of the jury members.

To submit an IP, please complete the following fields.

Your First/Last Name:*
Company Name:*
Email Address:*
Name of your entertainment property:*
Target demo:*
Describe your property:*
Outline its licensing potential:*
Tell us which products you envision for it:*
Upload a short video (under five minutes long and must be in mp4 format):*

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