Tuesday, February 11
12:00pm - 12:45pm
Pacific 21
AI and Creativity
AI and Creativity
Tuesday, February 11
12:00pm - 12:45pm
Pacific 21
AI and Creativity
For the first time in our history, machines can make things that are indistinguishable from things humans make: stories, images, music, videos and more. Some of us find this deeply offensive—an affront to creative people and what we do. Others see it as the key that unlocks previously unimaginable creative possibilities and levels of productivity. The one thing we all seem to agree on is that the “Should we or shouldn't we?” conversation is pretty much over, and we've blown right past “We will.” to “We already are.” Join showrunner and independent producer Evan Baily for a hands-on look at the AI tools and workflows that will transform what we make, how we make it, how we monetize it—and what it means to be a maker.