Master & Mentor Classes - Kidscreen Summit 2015

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Keen to pack more professional learning into your Kidscreen Summit week? Sign up to take part in one or two of our Master/Mentor Classes for just $250 each. Designed for the industry’s most experienced execs (Master Classes) and also for relative newcomers (Mentor Classes), these sessions are 90 minutes long, running in the afternoon on Sunday, February 22—so, before the Summit kicks off and your schedule gets hijacked by non-stop meetings. If you see anything you like on the list below, email Joel Pinto ( to sign up.

(1:00-2:30) MASTER CLASS

YouTubing For Pros—How to monetize on the world’s biggest video platform

You’ve got the content, you’ve got the clicks—so where’s the money? Converting all of that online attention into actual dollars can be difficult at best, which is why we’re bringing in a savvy professional to break down what monetization models are working on the world's largest video platform. We’ll also explore the opportunities around creating affiliated niche channels, and how to leverage your audience connections to attract brands and advertising partners.

(1:00-2:30) MENTOR CLASS

Killin’ It—Writing for tweens and teens

Arguably the most discerning audience to write for, it’s not impossible to win tweens and teens over. Shows like Bob’s Burgers and Pretty Little Liars have recently done a great job hitting each demo’s sweet spot. So how do you balance unique characters with intriguing narrative threads and story arcs that will keep them entertained? Join a master of the tween/teen writing craft to talk process and genres, and you’ll come away with the tools you need to polish your script ideas.

(1:00-2:30) MENTOR CLASS

Launchpad Logic—Making the right TV vs. digital decision

Given that the paths diverge so completely now, the decision to launch a kids IP on TV or on new media first is an important one. So we’re bringing in not just one, but two brand-building gurus to guide you through these choices, outline some related surprises and challenges you should prepare for, and explore how to start constructing a three-year brand plan.

(3:00-4:30) MASTER CLASS

Direct to Retail—Making the perfect pitch for shelf space

These days, most proactive kids property owners take a seat at the table for sales meetings with key retailers. But with non-traditional content platforms playing a big role in distribution but not providing any viewing metrics, how do you make a strong enough case for shelf space with ratings-focused retailers? This session will give you the skinny on how to overcome this challenge and put together the perfect retail pitch.

(3:00-4:30) MASTER CLASS

Promoting Innovation—A guide to empowering creative teams

A top-notch creative team is always at the heart of success in the kids business. So how can a C-class leader reenergize corporate culture and management styles for maximum creativity, while maintaining the company’s mission, vision and values? We’re bringing in an expert consultant to provide clear tactics and strategies on everything from creating the right working environment to cultivate creative talent, to offering the incentives that drive C-class talent retention.

(3:00-4:30) MENTOR CLASS

Creator 101—Putting your best pitch forward

Whether you’re creating, developing or pitching (or maybe tackling all of these functions at once), there is just a whole lot to learn for creatives who are new to the kids entertainment biz. So we've recruited a highly experienced and successful indie creator to show you how to package your concept with effective bibles and one-sheets, sell yourself and your project in the market, and wisely manage your IP rights.